Monday, July 30, 2012

It's Almost Here...

Stock up on the Shasta and Triscuits, peeps! The 20,000th Hit Giveaway is right around the corner. This Wednesday, August 1, be prepared to walk away with a great book.

We have approximately 100 books ready to go as I type! Some of these are in sets too, which is like going to Payless on BOGO day.

I'm taking submissions for ONE more day, until midnight of July 31. So, if you have a book of any genre you'd like to contribute (even old print copies in your closet), please send me a .jpg of the cover, a good link where readers can read about it, how many, and in what format you have available to mystiparker (at) yahoo (dot) com with 20,000TH Hit Giveaway in the subject line.

I'm in special need of nonfiction, inspirational/faith-based, short story, and young children's books.

Here's a little breakdown of what we have so far:

Anthologies: 10
Sci-Fi/Fantasy: 21
Thriller/Horror/Mystery: 9
Romance: 20
Erotic Romance: 12
YA/Children's: 17
Inspirational: 2
Short Story: 3
Non-Fiction: 4

Authors AND readers are welcome to come claim a book. You'll see lots of new authors here, but you might see some familiar names, too. Don't miss the chance to become someone's newest fan! Stay tuned to the updates via the 20,000Th Hit Giveaway Event Page on Facebook HERE:


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