Please welcome fellow Melange Books author Gabriel Constans, who has just released 'The Last Conception'. Be sure to check out the links at the bottom!!
from Santa Cruz, a beautiful little city off the coast of California, about an
hour and a half south of San Francisco. When I’m not writing I sculpt stone,
read, eat chocolate and keep in touch with our children and grandchildren.
did you come up with the idea for this book/series?
some ways, this is an extension of my previous novel, Buddha’s Wife, except
that it is completely fictional, takes place in contemporary America and
challenges readers’ to think about what they would do if they found out they
were the last in line of a famous spiritual teacher, who supposedly never had
us about the writing process—what were your favorite and least favorite
enjoy everything about writing, except for waiting for others to get back to
me, when I’m waiting for edits or feedback. Writing, editing, preparing the
manuscript, publishing and letting people know about the story, are all pleasurable
to me – really.
your favorite cure for writer’s block?
It isn’t something I’ve ever had. The issue is
usually the reverse, and that is to choose one out of many, stories, people or
ideas and write about it.
you please share an excerpt?
Savarna tried another yoga pose.
“Damn,” she said, losing her balance, just as the phone rang. She picked up her
cell and answered.
“Hi, Sis. What’s up?”
“No problem. I’ll get some juice and
chai. You know how much she loves her chai.”
They both grinned, certain the other
was doing the same. Their mother could drink a gallon of chai and keep guzzling
if more was offered. Then she would always complain that she had to go to the
bathroom so often. It was a lifelong obsession that her children made fun of at
every opportunity. When they were younger, some of their friends accidentally
called their mother Mrs. Chai, having heard the girls calling her that
themselves when she wasn’t present.
your next/current writing project?
Having written the screenplay for The Last
Conception, I’m presently contacting producers to try to get it made into a
film. There are a few producers reading it present. We’ll see (hopefully,
a totally random question: How weird are you? Let’s be scientific
and determine the answer with this quiz
I found. Be sure to share your answers and
the final result for our weird readers J
I was only 96, which looks totally and completely in the middle of boring and
not much less or more weird than anyone else (who took this).
so much for stopping by! ~Mysti Parker
Author Bio:
Gabriel Constans previous novel, Buddha’s Wife, was highly acclaimed by writers and reviewers, such as Bell Hooks, Chitra Divakaruni and Robert Blake. It is presently being adapted for the screen, as is The Last Conception. Other works of fiction by the author include St. Catherine’s Baby, The Skin of Lions: Rwandan Folk Tales, and Zen Master Tova Tarantino Toshiba: The Illustrious and Delusional Abbess of Satire.
Buy at:
Amazon (Kindle)
Additional links:
Gabriel’s Blog - Here, There & Everywhere:
Really nice interview. Sounds like a great book.