Friday, December 23, 2011

A Christmas Memory with Author TD Jones

This memory is a poignant one, and I'm sure many of us can relate to the loss of a loved one and what might have been...I know I can.

In August of 1996 my dad was diagnosed with Lung Cancer and we wanted to make sure Christmas was really special that year. My dad came from a large farming family so as a child Christmas was very sparing but as an adult he was able to provide his family with whatever we needed so he made sure Christmas was also a big thing for me and my two brothers. The holiday was going as planned except that my dad kept telling me I should spend the night at the house so I could sit up with him watch the Turkey cook. I found that request strange since I lived in the same town and would be back over the next day on Christmas Day for dinner. He kept on and on asking me to stay and I had two small kids at the time and just felt it was better if we were at our own home. I told him that turkey would cook just fine without me and him watching it cook.

My dad passed away nineteen days later and there isn’t a day that goes back that I wished I had stayed that night. My dad wasn’t a very emotional man who told you his feeling so I really believe that was his way of trying to tell me he wanted to spend time with me. I never dreamed that Christmas would be our last. I was a daddy’s girl and always thought I would have him with me. I miss him and if I could go back and change anything in my life, I would go back to that minute he asked me to stay and I would have pulled up a chair and sat and watched that turkey cook with my daddy.

My name is Teresa Jones and I write under the name of T.D. Jones. I write romance, family drama and mystery with humor always sprinkled in my books.  I live in West Texas but dream of retiring to Hawaii and being a full time writer someday. I love to hear from readers and other writers and can be contacted 
My books can be found at the following places:        
and most all other online bookstore such as B&N and Amazon

1 comment:

  1. Your story made me cry. I know exactly how you feel. I'm sure your Dad knows how much you loved him and wouldn't want you to spoil your Christmases with regrets.
    Have a lovely time, TD. Lots of love from Jenny


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